Wednesday, October 24, 2007

No Name Woman

This article was very disturbing and I was very sad reading it. First of all, for a woman to be raped and blamed for getting pregnant by a man other than her husband is just wrong. Second for her own family and friends to think of her as an outcast and not even believe or care that she was raped is even worse. The title "No Name Woman" is perfect because she just sat back in the shadows because she didn't want anyone to know she was pregnant, and also because she basically died when she found out she was pregnant. You can't lead a normal life when your whole village, family, and friends disown you and think of you as nothing. She had to sit at a different table for those who are looked down upon and was fed leftovers. They also terrorized her house and slaughtered her families animals. For the father not to speak of his sister, No Name Woman, is a little sad. He doesn't even acknowledge he had a sister because she was raped which is not her fault. Also to hear about all the customs of having you feet shrunk and to be in agony and pain was a little disturbing. Women should be able to express the way they look and to not be able to wear their hair down, to always have it in a bun is ridiculous. In conclusion this article was all depressing, sad, and very disturbing.

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